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SAU/T Calculator

Below are the equivalent amounts of required SAT points for each maximum

25/25 30/30 40/40 50/50 60/60 /

What and How?

What is this?

SAU/T Calculator is a Calculator for Kazakhstani students to calculate how many points do they need to get in the Summative Assessment for the Term (SAT) to get either 4 or 5 as a term mark, based on their performance in their Summative Assessments for the Units (SAU).

How to use?

Enter the amounts of points you got and the maximum possible amount of points in the SAUs. The application will automatically output the required percentage to get 5 as a mark. If you'd like to know how much is required for a 4, you can select it in the highlighted drop-down menu on top of the percentage.

Along with the percentage, the required amount of points will be shown for particular maximum point amounts that are common in the SATs. You can set your custom maximum point amount by inserting that value into the last underlined field. DO NOT PRESS THE ENTER KEY IN THE FIELD!!!

How does it calculate

A common misconception about calculation of required SAT points is that overall percentage is calculated with regard to the mean of percentages of each SAU

In actuality, the SAU percentage is taken from the sum of all max points and all points the student has received. For instance, (12 + 14) / (20 + 14) = 28 / 34 = 82.35%

The term mark is assigned based on the mean of SAU and SAT percentages. Knowing SAU percentage and a desired mark, we can easily calculate the required SAT percentage by subtracting half of SAU percentage from the desired percentage.

To get 5 as a term mark, the student needs to acquire at least 84.5 percents; to get 4 as a term mark, the student needs to acquire at least 64.5 percents. When term marks are assigned the percentage is rounded.