
IPA: /ˈmæʔənʌt/ · PREMA-teh-nuht · MKTМӘ.ті.ныт

Kazakhstan on the map

If you are wondering, "what the hell is Kazakhstani?", Kazakhstan is a country and here it is on the map. In fact, it is the ninth largest country in the world, nobody cares, but oh well!!!

More than just a particular Kazakhstani individual with ambitions and corny description of self.

I am mainly interested in linguistics and software/web engineering. I enjoy collecting facts about the phonology of different languages (i.e. the sounds and the use thereof) and I create websites or mobile apps whenever I feel like it (occasionally).

Still have not graduated high school yet.

↑ You see how I didn't use the first-person pronoun in the sentence? That's a feature of pro-drop (pronoun-dropping) languages, which English is not an example of.


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IPA: /ʃɑˈbət/ · PREshah-BUHT · QazaqШабыт

Shabyt (Kazakh: Шабыт) is a project focusing on the development of a mobile application and its course that teaches russophone Kazakhstanis the basics of the Kazakh language. Currently the app is available on Android. Made with C# on the .NET MAUI framework.